Coronavirus: Information, Resources, and Updates for New Mexico’s Local Food and Farming Community

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Liability Insurance

Farmers' markets that are qualifying members of the New Mexico Farmers' Marketing Association are eligible to buy general liability insurance through the Association.

It is only available to qualifying Farmers' Markets. The cost of coverage is $15 per FARMER vendor. A market with an average of 10 FARMER vendors, therefore, would owe $150 for insurance for the year. Markets may also add an additional insured to their policy (please include the name of the additional insured on the liability insurance form if this is needed); fees for this vary by type of organization.

Please note: This insurance is for general liability only. It covers the market and market property in the event of a "slip and fall," or other accident that cant be linked directly to a vendor or other negligent party. The policy provides up to $2 million dollars ($1 million per incident) in coverage. Unfortunately, this insurance will only serve your market in the case of an incident involving market property. If there is an accident involving the truck or tent of a market vendor, that vendor will be seen as the liable party.

Liability insurance is purchased as an option when you become a qualifying member of the NMFMA. Application for liability insurance is due April 1 every year. Applications are required each year to qualify for coverage. To learn more and receive a link for the application, contact

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